Eastern Wisdom

Ep 97: Erin Owen: Eastern Wisdom for Western Leadership

Ep 97: Erin Owen: Eastern Wisdom for Western Leadership

Erin Owen, author of Refuel Recharge and Re-energize: Your Guide to Taking Back Control of Your Time and Energy, joined Total Leadership’s client services team in 2005. She has an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern, a BA in Chinese studies from Grinnell and certification in Health Coaching from the internationally recognized Institute for Integrative Nutrition in Manhattan, where Drs. Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil, and Neil Barnard are faculty members. Erin and Stew discuss how she takes a unique East-meets-West approach to helping clients more effectively manage their professional lives, grow their leadership capacity and resilience, and lead healthier, happier, more productive lives…[Click for more]

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